1st International Meeting One Health in Zadar: Global Approach to Global Health
ONE HEALTH is a global health and WHO initiative of the 21st Century based on creating the framework for interprofessional and transectorial approaches to the health of animals, people and the environment around the world.
Academic institutions provide an optimal platform to enable implementation of One Health approaches through educational programs, outreach and networking among faculty, students, researchers, industry and regulatory constituents/government to provide collective thought process, local initiatives and global impact on medicine and health of our planet in general.
One Health initiatives around the world gather around one of the very impactful sites: THE ONE HEALTH COMMISSION. That organization provides leadership, platforms and resources to connect numerous One Health advocates and groups around the world, allowing them to combine forces to break through disciplinary silos and to re-orient collective thinking and practice towards interactive systems frameworks. It seeks to sustain and expand it programs, to increase its global impact promoting interdisciplinary approaches to health challenges shared by people, animals and the environment. Its goal is to make One Health the default way of operating at all levels of academia, research, and governments around the world.
Website: https://www.onehealthcommission.org/
Twitter: @OneHealthCom
Facebook: One Health Commission