EAPP Scholarship 2018
The European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), in cooperation with the ECP19 Organizing Committee, is offering twenty scholarships to support postgraduate students and early career researchers who have limited access to financial resources to attend the ECP19. Each scholarship includes 250 Euro and the payment of the conference fee. Those who wish to apply for funding should present a poster or a paper at the ECP19. Applications by letter or email should be sent at the conference e-mail address before December 1st, 2017.
Eligibility for Scholarships
Applications are invited for postgraduate students from all countries who wish to attend the ECP19. This opportunity is also extended to early career researchers (up to 5 years post-PhD), and those who cannot access other support funds. Applicants are expected to submit an abstract of a poster or a paper at the conference (note that the closing date for submissions is November 15th, 2017). The applicant is expected to be the presenter, i.e. the first author of the submission.
The scholarships will be granted in two categories:
1. Ten scholarships will be awarded for postgraduate students and early career researchers who are in need for financial support in order to attend the conference. Eligible candidates are participants from LIE (low income economies), LMIE (lower-middle income economies), UMIE (upper-middle income economies), or another Central or Eastern European country which was not included in the above categories, but which belongs to the former communists states (Eastern bloc). For an updated classification of countries based on their income, see here the latest classification found on the World Bank official website.
2. Ten scholarships will be awarded for postgraduate students and early career researchers based on significant results in research and publication. Quality of submitted abstract will be evaluated. For this category all applications are considered eligible and they will be judged solely on the scientific performance of the applicant.
Application Process
Applications must include the following:
• Name, address, telephone number, email address of the person applying and
the name of the university department
• A brief explanation about why the applicant would like to attend the conference, including expected benefits from conference attendance for future career goals (max. 200 words)
• Curriculum vitae
• Certificate of postgraduate student status (a photocopy of a valid student identification card or other form of valid student identification must be attached to the application)
• Copy of the abstract submitted according to the ECP19 guidelines
• Specify the type of presentation (e.g., paper or poster).
Scholarship applications must be submitted till December 1st, 2017., per email at ecp19@unizd.hr.
Applications received after this date will not be considered. Scholarship awardees will be announced on the ECP19 conference website by February 15th, 2018., and personally contacted by emails by the conference organizers. The selection committee is formed of: Zvjezdan Penezić, Izabela Sorić, and Jelena Ombla.
List of the 2018 EAPP Scholarship Awardees NEW!!!
EAPP Awards 2018
The European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP) promotes honouring and recognizing scientific achievements by awarding researchers at various career levels. Since 2012, EAPP has implemented a system of three awards focusing on different career stages. The purpose of these awards is to raise the visibility of personality psychology both to the scientific community as well as to the general public.
ECP Poster Awards
Poster presentations are an important and efficient means to exchange ideas and research findings in modern scientific conferences. The EAPP has tradition to award poster presentation of the highest quality since the 9th European Conference on Personality (Guilford, UK, 1998). The purpose of these awards is to increase the importance, impact and quality of poster presentations.