Conference Proceedings

The Organizing Committee of the international conference Translation and Transnational Literary Exchange (Zadar, September 20-22, 2023) is happy to announce the call for contributions for the proceedings to be published by the University of Zadar open access publishing platform Morepress.

Authors are expected to submit their contributions in English or French to and by March 1, 2024.

The title, the full name of the author and the institution should precede the text. The text should be followed by references, as well as by abstracts and five key-words in English and French.

Full-length contributions should contain between 4.500-6.500 words (12-16 pages).

The authors are invited to strictly follow the Harvard referencing guidelines (

As for the formatting, please observe the following guidelines:

Margins 2,5 cm each side
Font and size Times New Roman

Text: 12 pt

Chapter titles: 14 pt

Block quotations (3 lines or more): 11 pt

Footnotes: 10 pt

Line spacing Text: 1,5

Quotations and footnotes: single

No spacing before and after paragraph.

Indentation No indentation at the beginning of the paragraph.

Block quotations (3 lines or more): Tab 1,5 cm from the left margin, no quoting marks.

Alignment Justified
Chapters, sections and subsections 1.      Chapter (14 pt)

1.1.              Section (12 pt)

1.1.1.      Subsection            Subsubsection

1.2.             Section

2.     Chapter

Page numbers bottom right
Foreign words in italics


Please note that all contributions should be proofread before submission. Submissions which are not meeting the linguistic standards of the publication will be returned to the author(s).

The submitted contributions will be considered as original works of the author(s). Resubmission of previously published manuscripts (in full or in part) will not be approved.

The submitted contributions will undergo a double-blind peer review. We expect the volume to be published in Autumn 2024.

The Committee remains at your disposal for any additional questions.