You can register to the conference and pay the fee by using the following link:
Registration fee is 100 EUR.
Early bird payment (by June 1, 2023): 80 EUR.
For students and postgraduate students: 50 EUR.
The registration fee does not cover bank transfer costs, accommodation and transportation costs.
In case that your fee will be paid by your institution, please address an e-mail (in English) to Ms Maela Blažević, indicating the title of the conference, the name of the participant as well as the institution data (name, address, VAT Number), so that she can produce an invoice.
The registration fee includes a publication of collected abstracts, refreshments during breaks, reception, and a certificate of participation.
Deadline for fee payment: September 1, 2023.
Bank details:
The name of the account holder:
University of Zadar
Ulica Mihovila Pavlinovića 1
23000 Zadar, Croatia
The name of the bank:
OTP bank d.d.
Domovinskog rata 61
21000 Split, Croatia
The account data:
IBAN: HR11 2407 0001 1006 0948 2
Payment description:
Registration fee MT 59410