The book “The new Directory for Catechesis: a challenge for Catechesis and pastoral pastoral ministry. Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium, Zadar, 24 and 25 September 2021, by the editors Marijana Mohorić and Mario Oscar Llanos was published in March 2023 in the co-edition of the University of Zadar, Department of Religious Sciences; The Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Salesian Pontifical University of Rome and the National Catechetical Office of the Croatian Episcopal Conference.
The Proceedings report twenty-three papers of the authors participating in the International Symposium. The texts are written in Croatian, English and Italian language. To allow for an easier reading experience of scientific contributions on various topics, the text has been divided into the following parts: I. Catechesis in the evangelizing mission of the Church; II. Catechetical processes in the service of Christian formation; III. Ways of inculturation of Catechesis in the local churches. This structure corresponds to the carefully balanced tripartite content of the new Directory for Catechesis (2020). This publication represents an expression of gratitude and deep appreciation for the efforts of the Archbishop of Zadar, Msgr. Želimir Puljić, President of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference (2012-2022).
The book can be purchased at the University Library “Citadela” ( at a price of 30,00 €.

Acts New Directory for Catechesis, Content