9th Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry

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4th-7th November , Zadar, Croatia

This symposium provides a unique platform for archaeologists, archaeometrists, scientists, and researchers from the Balkan region and beyond to come together to discuss and exchange ideas on the latest developments in archaeological science and methodology.

Symposium Themes: We invite contributions related to various aspects of archaeometry, including but not limited to:

  • Dating methods (radiocarbon, luminescence, dendrochronology, etc.)
  • Analytical techniques (spectroscopy, microscopy, X-ray, etc.)
  • Material characterization (ceramics, metals, glass, stone, etc.)
  • Environmental archaeology
  • Archaeological prospection and remote sensing
  • Preservation and conservation of paper based works.
  • Interdisciplinary approaches in archaeometry
  • Case studies and applications
  • Geophysics and Geographic Information System applications
  • Experimental Αrchaeometry
  • Bioarchaeometry
  • Multidisciplinary research and new developments and management in cultural heritage.
  • Monuments protection, conservation, restoration, art history