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8. – 9. svibnja 2025.

Cilj konferencije je problematizirati i aktualizirati ciljeve odgoja, njihov značaj i načine ostvarivanja kao najvažnije ljudske djelatnosti. Konferencija je usmjerena na prikaze znanstvenih istraživanja i primjera dobre prakse proizišlih iz pedagoških tradicija u suvremenom pluralnom kontekstu.

Tematska područja konferencije su:

pedagoške tradicije
odgojno-obrazovne vrijednosti u nacionalnom, europskom te međunarodnom kontekstu
perspektive i izazovi suvremenih odgojno-obrazovnih čimbenika
profesionalne kulture i komunikacija
odnos pedagogijske teorije i pedagoške prakse
pedagoški pluralizam
međunarodna vanjska vrednovanja

Konferencija je namijenjena pedagozima i drugim stručnim suradnicima, odgojiteljima, učiteljima i nastavnicima na svim odgojno-obrazovnim razinama, mentorima i savjetnicima, ravnateljima, odgajateljima u učeničkim domovima, studentima prijediplomskih, diplomskih i poslijediplomskih studija te stručnjacima kojima su odgoj i obrazovanje područje znanstveno-stručnog interesa, kao i široj javnosti.

Program konferencije sastavljen je od plenarnog dijela, rada u sekcijama, okruglog stola, radionica, radionice za studente i izložbe postera.

Konferencija će se održati uživo.

Radni jezici konferencije su hrvatski i engleski jezik.

BALADRIA 2025 | Summer School on Digital Humanities

Poveznica | Link

23 – 27 June 2025

BAL-ADRIA is a collaboration between countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, and countries surrounding the Adriatic Sea, thus connecting Northern and Southern Europe.

In a supportive academic environment, we are offering good-sized classes ideal for learning, discussing and getting feedbacks on your ideas and thoughts. The programme is taught by an international team of researchers and practitioners of digital humanities and social sciences and is delivered in a form of lectures, seminars and practical workshops.


This year, Bal-Adria is organized for:
– students registered within Linnaeus University
– students of Doctoral program Knowledge society and information transfer, University of Zadar
– other participants (other universities, institutions, organizations,…)

2nd Conference on the Emergence of the Neolithic in Europe

Link | Poveznica

May 22–25, 2025

Following the highly successful 1st Conference on the Early Neolithic in Europe (ENE2019) in Barcelona, we are delighted to invite you to Zadar for the 2nd Conference on the Emergence of the Neolithic in Europe (ENE2025), which will take place from May 22–25, 2025, hosted at the University of Zadar, Croatia.

The conference is jointly organised by the Austrian Archaeological Institute, the Archaeological Museum of Zadar, the Croatian Archaeological Society, and the University of Zadar.

Zadar, situated in the heart of the Adriatic, serves as the administrative and cultural center of Zadar County in northern Dalmatia, a region extending from the slopes of the Velebit Massif to the Adriatic coast, encompassing numerous islands and inland plains. With over 2,000 years of rich and dynamic history, Zadar is a city deeply intertwined with the sea. However, the region’s interior, characterized by fertile plains, a favourable climate, and mild terrain, is among the most productive agricultural areas in Dalmatia. This area hosts the largest concentration of Neolithic sites in the region, with the earliest agricultural settlements dating back to c. 6000 cal BC.

Recognizing the complexity of the Neolithisation process in Europe—its arrhythmic nature, regional variations, and the prolonged coexistence of the first farmers and the last hunter-fisher-gatherers in some regions—we have slightly adjusted the conference title. While retaining the acronym ENE, the term “Early Neolithic” has been replaced with “Emergence of the Neolithic” to more accurately reflect the broader scope and nuanced dynamics of this transformative process.

Precious Metals and Masterful Hands: Arts and Crafts from the Middle Ages to Modern Times – University of Zadar

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Zadar, 15-17 May 2025

We are honoured to announce that the 1st international conference Precious Metals and Masterful Hands: Arts and Crafts from the Middle Ages to Modern Times is dedicated to the memory of the late assistant professor Marijana Kovačević (1977-2015), whose profound contributions to the field of art history, primarily her research of goldsmithing, continue to inspire scholars and researchers.

The craftsmanship of precious metals, closely tied to the field of applied arts, has often fluctuated between routine craftwork and artistic quality. The excellence of the work depended on the skill of the master (craftsman/artist), who could elevate the nature of the precious metal to the level of an artwork or keep it at the level of technically sound craftsmanship. Although initially closely associated with sacred spaces, where the importance of consecrated objects was emphasized in line with their purpose, precious metals eventually became integral to everyday life, leading to a significant increase in the production of secular items. Accordingly, from liturgical objects such as reliquaries, crosses, chalices, candlesticks, busts, and other sacred artifacts, to secular expressions in the form of jewellery and utilitarian objects—whether preserved or recorded in archival documents or depicted in paintings—we trace the changes in the treatment of precious metals from the Middle Ages to modern times.

14th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting

Poveznica | Link

June 12-14, 2025

The Mediterranean Morphology Meeting is a biennial conference that brings together linguists from diverse theoretical backgrounds and at various stages of their career to discuss morphology in an inspiring, informal, and interactive setting.

The 14th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM14) will take place June 12-14, 2025 and will be organized by the Department of Linguistics, University of Zadar, in Zadar (Croatia). There will be a thematic session “Lexicon, lexemes, lexicalization” and an open session.