9th Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry

Poveznica | Link

4th-7th November , Zadar, Croatia

This symposium provides a unique platform for archaeologists, archaeometrists, scientists, and researchers from the Balkan region and beyond to come together to discuss and exchange ideas on the latest developments in archaeological science and methodology.

Symposium Themes: We invite contributions related to various aspects of archaeometry, including but not limited to:

  • Dating methods (radiocarbon, luminescence, dendrochronology, etc.)
  • Analytical techniques (spectroscopy, microscopy, X-ray, etc.)
  • Material characterization (ceramics, metals, glass, stone, etc.)
  • Environmental archaeology
  • Archaeological prospection and remote sensing
  • Preservation and conservation of paper based works.
  • Interdisciplinary approaches in archaeometry
  • Case studies and applications
  • Geophysics and Geographic Information System applications
  • Experimental Αrchaeometry
  • Bioarchaeometry
  • Multidisciplinary research and new developments and management in cultural heritage.
  • Monuments protection, conservation, restoration, art history

Klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem

Poveznica | Link

Zadar, 26. do 29. rujna 2024.

Glavna tema: Interdisciplinarni pristup razmatranju prilagodbi, mjera i dobrih praksi u rješavanju problema izazvanih klimatskim promjenama

S ciljem osvještavanja šire društvene zajednice o utjecaju klimatskih promjena u kombinaciji s drugim pogubnim ljudskim aktivnostima na Jadransko more, a u kontekstu UN-ovog desetljeća oceanske znanosti za održivi razvoj 2021. – 2030. (oceansko desetljeće) planiramo u suradnji s relevantnim znanstvenim i edukativnim institucijama u RH organizirati V. znanstveno-stručni Skup s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem: Klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora na kojem će biti razmatrani negativni utjecaji – od djelatnosti čovjeka do klimatskih promjena – na ekosustav Jadranskog mora te moguće prilagodbe brzim promjenama koje se u morima događaju i nužnost provođenja aktivne zaštite morskih ekosustava.

Naglasak Skupa je na znanstveno-istraživačkom, edukacijskom, socioekonomskom i humanističkom pristupu razmatranju prilagodbi, mjera i dobrih praksi u rješavanju problema izazvanih klimatskim promjenama, naročito s aspekta zaštite i očuvanja morskih ekosustava. Želja je organizatora motivirati sudionike za razmjenu ideja, znanja i iskustva s mogućnošću suradnje na postojećim i iniciranjem novih multi- i inter-disciplinarnih projekata te prosljeđivanju znanja široj društvenoj zajednici, posebno tijelima upravljanja na lokalnoj i državnoj razini.

Rethinking the Blue Economy: Socio-Ecological Impacts and Opportunities (RethinkBlue)

Poveznica | Link

23-24 April 2024.

In just over a decade since its introduction at the Rio+20 conference in 2012, the Blue Economy has become a popular policy paradigm in Europe and beyond. However, the frequent use of the concept and its adoption in different contexts (national and international politics, private sector, academic community) has led to diverse and often competing discourses and frameworks. In its most general and value-neutral form, Blue Economy refers to all economic activities related to the oceans. However, conceptually and empirically, Blue Economy can be engaged in more complex ways. In this way, it becomes a platform to explore multiple societal, environmental and economic aspects of the uses of the sea, from benefits to conflicts/challenges. Blue Economy can also become a way to critically review the impacts of ocean exploitation and resource extraction on local communities in line with the concept of Blue Justice.

In line with the focus of the “RethinkBlue” COST Action CA22122, the goal of the conference is to create a forum for scholars who are seeking to rethink what Blue Economy stands for today, from a social perspective. To initiate this process, the conference aims to explore potential and existing contradictions, conflicts, and synergies linked to it.

BAL-ADRIA 2024 | The fifth Baltic-Adriatic Summer School on Digital Humanities

Poveznica | Link

17 – 21 June 2024.

BAL-ADRIA is a collaboration between countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, and countries surrounding the Adriatic Sea, thus connecting Northern and Southern Europe.

In a supportive academic environment, we are offering good-sized classes ideal for learning, discussing and getting feedbacks on your ideas and thoughts. The programme is taught by an international team of researchers and practitioners of digital humanities and social sciences and is delivered in a form of lectures, seminars and practical workshops.