The 17th NooJ International Conference 2023

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May 31st – June 2nd 2023

NooJ is a linguistic development environment software as well as a corpus processor. NooJ provides linguists with tools to develop dictionaries, Regular Grammars, Context-Free Grammars, Context-Sensitive Grammars, and Unrestricted Grammars as well as their graphical equivalents, to formalize various linguistic phenomena. NooJ’s multi-layer approach allows linguists to accumulate elementary descriptions across different linguistic levels.

NooJ is used as a corpus processor in the Digital Humanities as it allows researchers in the Social sciences to apply sophisticated queries to large corpora in real time, annotate texts automatically and perform various statistical analyses, etc.

NooJ’s linguistic engine has been integrated into various NLP applications that perform automatic semantic annotation, Named Entities Recognition, Information extraction, Paraphrase Generation, Business Intelligence, Machine Translator, Web Semantics, etc.

NooJ is a free open-source software promoted by the METASHARE European programme. It can run on Windows (C# .NET), macOS, LINUX and UNIX (Java). Its new engine and its source “RA” can be downloaded from GitLab and runs natively on Windows, macOS and LINUX.

Traductions et échanges littéraires transnationaux

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20-22 septembre 2023

Les traductions, en tant qu’artefacts sociaux et culturels, ont un impact sur les relations entre les cultures et les littératures, ainsi que sur le développement des systèmes littéraires. La traduction littéraire est liée aux circonstances sociales et politiques et aux politiques culturelles, ce qui signifie que de nombreuses raisons économiques, politiques, culturelles et sociales encouragent la circulation des textes littéraires au-delà de leurs frontières géographiques et culturelles. L’échange culturel est lié aux relations de pouvoir entre les États-nations et les langues, il est donc inégal et reflète des relations de domination. La mondialisation favorise les échanges culturels, tout en mettant en évidence la domination de la langue anglaise et le fait que l’impérialisme économique s’accompagne souvent d’une hégémonie culturelle.

Les contacts littéraires entre deux cultures reposent sur les traductions. Susan Bassnett (1993, 2002) soutient donc que les études de traduction devraient jouer un rôle clé dans la redéfinition de la discipline de la littérature comparée. Emily Apter (2003, 2006, 2013) partage cet avis et évoque une nouvelle littérature comparée contemporaine basée sur la traduction. Comme le souligne Itamar Even-Zohar (1990), les traductions sont importantes non seulement pour les lecteurs individuels, mais aussi pour l’ensemble du polysystème littéraire, car elles participent activement à sa création en introduisant de nouveaux traits, modèles et techniques de composition. Outre Apter, Bassnett et Even-Zohar, Steiner (1975), Venuti (1995, 2013), Baker (2010), Chevrel (2006), Spivak (2003) et bien d’autres soulignent le lien qui existe entre la traduction et les études comparatives.

Corpora in Language learning, Translation and Research

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August 23-24th 2023

The international conference Corpora in Language learning, Translation and Research aims to bring together specialists in the disciplines of corpus linguistics, specialized and literary translation, foreign language teaching, lexicography, LSP and NLP in order to share their insights on using corpora in language and translation education.

Over the past decade, we have witnessed that corpus and concordance have become a main topic in applied linguistics. The availability of multilingual corpora and processing tools provided language researchers with new opportunities for empirical analysis regarding examining and exemplifying language data.

Nevertheless, the application of empirical corpus-based learning is still limited in language and translation education and corpus driven pedagogy remains the tough task to date.

This conference aims to offer a more detailed account regarding corpus approaches in language learning, translating and research.

8. Dani Šime i Ante Starčevića | Suvremeni koncept domovine

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26.-27. svibnja 2023. | Gospić

Potaknuti 200. obljetnicom rođenja Oca Domovine – dr. Ante Starčevića (23. V. 1823.-28. II. 1896.), Odjel za nastavničke studije u Gospiću, Sveučilišta u Zadru, u suradnji s Državnim arhivom u Gospiću, znanstvena promišljanja skupa 8. Dane Šime i Ante Starčevića, pod nazivom Suvremeni koncept domovine, usmjerava istraživanjima semantički slojevitog pojma domovine kontekstualiziranog u obzor humanističkog, društvenog, prirodoslovnog, umjetničkog i interdisciplinarnog motrišta.

Kao začetnik ideje o državnoj samostalnosti i pravu naroda na samoodređenje, istovremeno zastupajući liberana načela u izgradnji države, intrigantan u svojim jezikoslovnim, političkim i filozofskim stajalištima, dr. Ante Starčević potiče nas na promišljanja o kompleksnosti pojma domovine, u povijesnom kontekstu, no prije svega u vremenu današnjice. U tom se smislu slojevitost u određenju suvremenog koncepta domovine može promatrati na različite načine otvarajući prostor propitivanjima u okvirima različitih tematskih cjelina.

Rethinking Childhood II : Child and Space

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June 1-3, 2023.

The second International Scientific and Artistic Conference Rethinking Childhood II aims to address issues concerning children and space, children’s perception and awareness of space, as well as reciprocal impact between space, children and childhood. The importance of space and its conceptual representation is easily recognized across different social sciences and humanities (pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy, kinesiology, anthropology, culture studies and childhood studies), and within the field of art. By reinventing and reconceptualizing space categories, and by associating them with children and childhood, we open the doors to different insights of the phenomena that are space and spatiality – starting from actual (physical) manifestations of space to children’s mental, emotional and creative representations and realizations of space, and finally, constructed (social) spaces surrounding childhood in general. Throughout their lives, humans adapt to the space around them, just as the surrounding space changes in relation to themselves, which means that the phenomenon of space associated with children and childhood is to be interpreted as a cultural construct of a specific segment of the space-time continuum. The link between the child (and consequently childhood) and the space is mutual and complex, and different researchers will surely suggest different vantage points on this relationship.