Corpora in Language learning, Translation and Research

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August 23-24th 2023

The international conference Corpora in Language learning, Translation and Research aims to bring together specialists in the disciplines of corpus linguistics, specialized and literary translation, foreign language teaching, lexicography, LSP and NLP in order to share their insights on using corpora in language and translation education.

Over the past decade, we have witnessed that corpus and concordance have become a main topic in applied linguistics. The availability of multilingual corpora and processing tools provided language researchers with new opportunities for empirical analysis regarding examining and exemplifying language data.

Nevertheless, the application of empirical corpus-based learning is still limited in language and translation education and corpus driven pedagogy remains the tough task to date.

This conference aims to offer a more detailed account regarding corpus approaches in language learning, translating and research.

8. Dani Šime i Ante Starčevića | Suvremeni koncept domovine

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26.-27. svibnja 2023. | Gospić

Potaknuti 200. obljetnicom rođenja Oca Domovine – dr. Ante Starčevića (23. V. 1823.-28. II. 1896.), Odjel za nastavničke studije u Gospiću, Sveučilišta u Zadru, u suradnji s Državnim arhivom u Gospiću, znanstvena promišljanja skupa 8. Dane Šime i Ante Starčevića, pod nazivom Suvremeni koncept domovine, usmjerava istraživanjima semantički slojevitog pojma domovine kontekstualiziranog u obzor humanističkog, društvenog, prirodoslovnog, umjetničkog i interdisciplinarnog motrišta.

Kao začetnik ideje o državnoj samostalnosti i pravu naroda na samoodređenje, istovremeno zastupajući liberana načela u izgradnji države, intrigantan u svojim jezikoslovnim, političkim i filozofskim stajalištima, dr. Ante Starčević potiče nas na promišljanja o kompleksnosti pojma domovine, u povijesnom kontekstu, no prije svega u vremenu današnjice. U tom se smislu slojevitost u određenju suvremenog koncepta domovine može promatrati na različite načine otvarajući prostor propitivanjima u okvirima različitih tematskih cjelina.

Rethinking Childhood II : Child and Space

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June 1-3, 2023.

The second International Scientific and Artistic Conference Rethinking Childhood II aims to address issues concerning children and space, children’s perception and awareness of space, as well as reciprocal impact between space, children and childhood. The importance of space and its conceptual representation is easily recognized across different social sciences and humanities (pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy, kinesiology, anthropology, culture studies and childhood studies), and within the field of art. By reinventing and reconceptualizing space categories, and by associating them with children and childhood, we open the doors to different insights of the phenomena that are space and spatiality – starting from actual (physical) manifestations of space to children’s mental, emotional and creative representations and realizations of space, and finally, constructed (social) spaces surrounding childhood in general. Throughout their lives, humans adapt to the space around them, just as the surrounding space changes in relation to themselves, which means that the phenomenon of space associated with children and childhood is to be interpreted as a cultural construct of a specific segment of the space-time continuum. The link between the child (and consequently childhood) and the space is mutual and complex, and different researchers will surely suggest different vantage points on this relationship.

In the Frictions: Fragments of Care, Health and Wellbeing in the Balkans

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April 27-30,  2023

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, interest in care, health, and wellbeing resurged across various disciplines. We are interested in how anthropology has responded to new care realities in the Balkans. These follow both the pandemic and the neoliberal restructuring of the last decades. By looking at the resulting fragmentation of care in the Balkans, this conference aims to move away from the dichotomous frameworks of Balkanism (Todorova, 2009) to rethink the Balkans as a site of knowledge production that has more to offer than just “catching up” with the West. What theoretical and methodological issues do anthropologists face in their research in the Balkans? How do people in the Balkans relate to one another within caring relationships themselves? What does care look like in practice and what does it entail? How are caring relationships shaped and changed? How do these experiences and relationships inform or challenge broader theoretical concerns?

Video Games as a Common Ground

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September 2 – 3 , 2022

By engaging all forms of video game research, Video Games as a Common Ground aims to address various topics, issues, and challenges related to video games and gaming  in order to understand not only their impact, but also their potential. The conference aims at a cross-disciplinary dialogue that will  hopefully  lead to  new experiences and the expansion of the academic discourse relating to this subject, together with possible  (unexpected) future  collaborations.