NooJ Workshop Zadar 2022

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October 26 – 28, 2022

NooJ offers formal tools to create, test, fix and share linguistic resources with broad coverage, for many languages. NooJ is used as a corpus linguistics tool to analyze text corpuses by linguists, and in Digital Humanities to carry out historical, literary, psychological or sociological analyses of corpora.
NooJ has also been integrated into many NLP applications: recognition of named entities, automatic text generation, natural language interface, conceptual search engine, automatic paraphrase production, semantic web, machine translation.
NooJ is supported by the European Community’s Metashare programme, is free and open source and runs under Windows, Mac OSX, LINUX and Unix. There are language resource modules in NooJ format for more than 20 languages, including Croatian.


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September 15 – 16, 2022

We welcome you to take part in the PUBMET2022 conference, which strives to present and discuss the plurality of approaches to scholarly communication, scholarly publishing and assessment (metrics). The conference will be held from 15 to 16 September 2022 with a pre-conference day on 14 September 2022 scheduled for workshops. The conference will present innovative approaches, best practice discussions and take on future challenges. The organizers aim to maintain lively discussion among experts from various fields involved in scholarly publishing and dissemination of knowledge. The field of scholarly communication, scholarly publishing and research assessment includes all disciplines and a variety of skills: researchers from different disciplines, information specialists and librarians, editors, publishers, teachers, students, policy makers, communication specialists, repository managers and university administrators.

New Contexts for the Use of Minoritized Languages/Varieties

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May 26 to 28 , 2021. | ONLINE

The NEWCON 2020 Conference was planned to be held in September 2020. However, due to the pandemic the University of Zadar has cancelled all conferences and summer schools in the 2019/2020 academic year. Consequently, the Organizing Committee of NEWCON 2020 has decided to postpone the Conference. The Conference will be held as an ONLINE event from 26 to 28 May 2021It is no longer possible to submit an abstract.


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24. – 25. rujna 2021.

Krajem lipnja 2020. godine u Tiskovnom uredu Svete stolice predstavljen je novi Direktorij za katehezu. Dokument koji potpisuje Papinsko vijeće za promicanje nove evangelizacije tri mjeseca prije odobrio je papa Franjo. Smjerodavnog je karaktera i označava početak nove etape u poslijekoncilskim nastojanjima i kontinuiranom zalaganju crkvenog učiteljstva oko obnove kateheze u okviru evangelizacijskog poslanja Crkve.

 Međunardni simpozij koji se organizira povodom objave novog dokumenta, te o pedesetoj obljetnici od izdavanja Općeg katehetskog direktorija, 1971., želi pridonijeti boljem razumijevanju tih smjernica koje nužno trebaju osvijetliti i našu katehetsku praksu, te joj tako otvoriti vrata za „izlazak“ u jedno novo razdoblje.